Monday, April 6, 2015

Quit stewing and start doing

It was a great weekend! For the most part, Christina handled the 1st round of chemo very well. In fact, she ran 8 miles yesterday. Twice. On Friday, we hosted her family at the Giants-A's preseason game. We awoke Saturday with a few things on our to-do list. We tossed it and instead took two of our mutts to Carmel Beach. Why? Because we had talked about it for years but had never done it. Our oldest dog, Jojo is slowing down and we wanted her to enjoy doggie heaven before she actually goes to doggie heaven. She did. It was like drinking from the fountain of youth for her. Tons of dogs-big and small-running, playing and barking. It was awesome. For all of us.

We almost didn't go. There were lots of excuses why we shouldn't do it: "we need to clean the house" or "it's a two hour drive away." In the end, I decided to pull the trigger. I know there will be a time when Christina won't be able to do much at all. I could have told her that we should stay closer to home. She would have not put up much of a fight and that would be that.

Battling cancer makes you cut through all the BS in your life and focus on what you really want. Like Carmel Beach. And running. Cancer also helps you let go of all the crap that you have been clinging to even though you don't need it. It also clarifies who is important in your life. And who needs to take a back seat for awhile. Or not get in the car at all. For now, it is Christina's trip and she is  in the driver's seat. I cannot wait for our next adventure.

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