Monday, April 13, 2015

Opening Day-episode 16

Tomorrow, Christina and I will be at the SF Giants opening day game. It's special to us. This year, it will be even more special. Not only because she has breast cancer and life can be so damn finite. It's because of our circle of friends. We all have friends. Some are neighbors that we see almost every day mowing the lawn or grilling burgers on the 4th of July. Some date back to kindergarten, middle or high school. It doesn't matter how or where we met. It does matter that we DID meet!

The Giants circle of friends lost a great guy, Stu Spafford, in May of 2009. A fun loving guy who bled black and orange. He was a fixture to every opening day at Pac Bell, SBC (remember that?) and AT&T. I miss him and so does C. And many other good people. Speaking of good people, SK is one of the best. He had a big part in bringing Christina and I together. I won't bore you with the details, but he had my back. Period. And C loves him so much. I'm positive the feeling is mutual. When they get together, it's usually ugly but full of laughs. Laughs heal us. So if SK wants to be around every day, then it shall happen!!

One of Christina's primary goals was to be at opening day. She feared it would not happen or if it did, she would be wearing a wig. Well folks, she will be proudly displaying her natural god-given hair and that is something to cheer about! Someone else in her close circle is TE. We have known him for 20 years. Salt of the earth and extremely talented at making things. Wine, canned goods, and beer are just a few of things he excels at. I hate him. I don't really hate him but he possesses a gift that I could never learn in a thousand years. On second thought, I do hate him.

My best friend, CS, will be there tomorrow as he has been every opening day since 2000. I am a fan of the Giants. My first game was in 1970. My love of the Giants pales in comparison to his. He still reads box scores. He knows the team batting average and tons of other stats that very few care about anymore. It will be great to see him. He loves C and vice versa. He is preparing his specialty tomorrow in honor of her- Cajun prawns. They are epic!!

In the midst of all the beers and food we enjoy tomorrow, I will pause more than once and rejoice in the fact that we are blessed to enjoy events like opening day. That fact will never be lost on us again. Go Giants!!!!

God Bess you all,


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