Saturday, September 26, 2015

Can I vent for a minute?

-I'm angry that Christina still has cancer.
-I'm upset that she went through 16 rounds of chemotherapy and it wasn't 100% effective
-I'm pissed that innocent little kids have to battle the disease. I wish cancer would leave them alone
-My back is fricking killing me and it's my fault
-It's 6 am on a Saturday and I cannot sleep
-I look at today's world and I am sad. People are being slaughtered like cattle for what they believe in. Why can't all of those murderous sub humans just disappear?
-I want Christina to be able to!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We're all terminal

I know that you don't like to think about death that much. It's uncomfortable to think that you won't be around forever. But none of us walking around today are leaving this place alive. I am 100% certain of that. We are, in fact, all terminal.

Do you have a "bucket list?"  Have you ever written down the things that you really want to do or accomplish before your hour glass runs out of sand? I have to admit that I have thought about it but never committed my thoughts to paper and pen. Until now...

When you are faced with the reality that you or your loved one might not collect a social security check, your life changes.Things that you thought were important lose significance. Other things become more important. I used to live and breath golf. It was nothing for me to drive two hours to Monterey, play 18 holes, eat lunch and head home. Leave at 430 am and be home by 3 pm. You couldn't pay me to do that now. The most meaningful thing to me now is to spend time with Christina. A glass of "bubbles" or sharing a pizza with beer is more enjoyable than playing Cypress Point, believe me. Having dinner with friends beats a round at Pebble Beach every time. Eating oysters at Tomales Bay with her and Buddy? Better than Augusta! OK, maybe not. If anyone wants to get me on Augusta, I am totally there...:)

So what's on your bucket list? Is there someone that you have been meaning to reach out to but haven't? Do it! Clean off your to-do list. I'm not talking about your regular to-do list. I mean the one with important stuff. The floors can wait a day. Cut through all the clutter in your mind and drill down to "the nuggets" of your life. Do it today, please. And let me know if you have an "in" to Augusta, OK?

Friday, September 11, 2015

She is my super hero!

My super hero doesn't have a cape or wear a mask. She wears a gown and a surgical hat and stares down cancer. She has no fear and is drop dead gorgeous! How does your super hero stack up to that???? Thought so..

It's great to hear from you.......but...

Christina is doing well. She is definitely sore from the surgery but not in severe pain. The best way to describe it is that she was in a car accident. The first day after the surgery/accident, you are a little sore. The next couple days? Everything starts to ache. She currently is only taking Ibuprofen for pain and doesn't want or need anything stronger.

I have a favor to ask: While I really appreciate many of you reaching out to me to check on her condition-I really do-why don't you call, text, or email her directly? Again, your many words of encouragement have been great and they lift me up when I hear from you. But I don't have cancer-she does...Sometimes I forget to let her know that you have sent me a message or that I spoke to you. So if you don't have her cell#, ask me. I will give it to you. If you don't have her primary email, ask me. If you are friends on Facebook, send her an inbox message.

Don't feel weird about contacting her directly. She is in a good place. She is still feisty and has an attitude. And YES, she still has her great sense of humor. That never goes away, thank God. Have a great weekend and remember that we are all blessed:)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A prayer for Christina

God in heaven, please use your supernatural powers to heal Christina's body of cancer. I ask as a humble servant to you lord, that you take away her pain and wounds and grant her a healthy life. I pray on my knees that you will make her body whole and strong. I ask of you God to help the doctors and medical staff to heal not only Christina but all the patients in their care. I ask this in your name, God. Amen.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

An early get well card for C!


I know that you are going into surgery next Tuesday in SF. I also realize that you are nervous, apprehensive and a little scared. All of us who love you feel the exact same way! You are in great hands with some of the best surgeons anywhere. You will be fine. Your mom and I will take good take of you when you are discharged from the hospital, hopefully on Wed.

The good news is that you will be cancer free and our journey will have taken one more step towards getting you healthy. I know that this all started in January and you have grown weary of all of it. Let's just crush this thing like you have everything else put in front of you! You got this, Chrissy:)

Lots of love,
