Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sweet sixteen

Chrissy and I just got home from a fabulous weekend in Napa. One of the Angels in our life, K, again showed  us how good humans can be to each other. He is the most generous person we have ever met and continues to amaze us every time we get together. It capped off our 16th wedding anniversary that started off on Friday with a quiet night at home.

It's been just over a year since "the lump" started us on our cancer journey. Christina has shown so much courage and strength throughout the year, enduring endless treatments, appointments and two surgeries. Our 16th year together as a married couple was definitely one that I didn't expect but as Forrest Gump said "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get." How true. We don't take anything for granted as we know that cancer is always working it's sinister plan to take us down.

I love you Christina as do so many others in your life. I hope and pray that we have many more anniversary dinners to share. And wine. And kisses. The last last sixteen have been so sweet.



Tuesday, February 2, 2016

45 And Alive!!

Christina celebrated her 45th birthday last night at home with our roommate/niece. It was a relaxing evening filled with laughs. The two of us had spent the weekend in SF eating and drinking our way around Nob Hill and the downtown areas. I love and hate the place. I love the uniqueness of the many hills, building designs and views of the bay. It truly is a special place. I've grown weary of the thousands of panhandlers/homeless/drug addicts and the insanely stupid politicians. Enough about that...

We had several great snacks and meals over the weekend and our niece and her friend joined us for a night. Christina is feeling  stronger each day although the joint pain and stiffness from one of the post surgery drugs is really causing her discomfort. It seems to be under control if she pops Ibuprofen. Hopefully, it decreases in severity and does away.

It is amazing to think that a year ago it was a small lump and a question of whether it was anything serious. Well, that has been answered. She has endured an incredible amount of treatments, appointments surgeries and chemotherapy since then. Always looking on the bright side, her theme this year is "45 and Alive." I dig it!