Saturday, June 27, 2015

She's rounding the final turn and heading for home!

Sorry I haven't posted in a week. It's been a little hectic! Christina originally was supposed to have this week off before starting the intense A-C portion of her chemotherapy regimen. After reviewing our plans to travel to Italy the first week of August, the medical staff at UCSF decided to start the treatments right away! That way, she won't get on a airplane the day after chemo.

Since the treatment on Wednesday, it has been a little of a roller coaster physically for her. They pumped her full of drugs and steroids before the chemo. She felt pretty good on Wed afternoon after a very long day at the hospital. She had to get her weekly EKG and blood test before meeting with her oncologist. Then up to the infusion center to get her vitals taken and wait for an open spot. Sadly, the place is like a popular restaurant on Zagat or Yelp. A seat in this place is hard to come by. It's a very popular spot for cancer patients. After chemo, she had to meet with the head of the cancer research program and the surgeon. Good news! The tumors have shrunk according to the last MRI done:) The doctors are hoping there is continued shrinkage (Seinfeld episode with George at the beach) by the end of her treatment to make surgery go a little easier in the fall. As far as surgery, it could be anything from a lumpectomy to a full mastectomy. It simply depends on what the tumors look like at that point and also what C wants to do.

Since Wednesday, she was able to work out yesterday (mistake) and go to work on Thursday and Friday.I am amazed at her grittiness while being graceful at the same time. The day following each chemo session, she will be receiving an injection of Neulasta. She's not sure if the side effects of that or the chemo drugs have made her incredibly sore. According to her, it reminds her of swimming for a couple hours straight. Her whole body is tender sore. A planned 10K run this morning was cut short. She knows now that the first few days after the chemo, she will just have to listen to her body closely. Tomorrow is truly going to be a day of rest for her. The good news is that she is down to three more treatments! Her surgery is planned right now for Mid September or early October.

I am hoping that next week she feels a little better so that she goes into her second treatment STRONG!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Despite this temporary setback, we both feel very blessed! You should too:)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dirty Dozen behind us-The final four is about to start!

Christina finished up her first round of twelve chemo treatments on Wed. I am just amazed at how strong she is. Actually, I am not. She's been this way since I met her. She never looks away from a challenge and is confident that she can accomplish any task. She had an MRI done yesterday (Thursday) to check the tumors. Hopefully, they have shrunk in size and are reacting to the drugs.

The next step in the journey looks like it may start a week early. The A-C chemo (4 treatments) are supposed to be pretty rough and given every other week. Since the Italy trip looks more and more like it may actually occur, the medical staff is trying to schedule in a break for the trip. That way, the side effects won't be too bad while traveling. Cross your fingers, folks!

I always hear how "Cancer is ugly." The disease itself is nasty stuff, no doubt. But the inspirational stories of courage, faith and love that come with the disease are beautiful. Christina is a shining example of that! I don't know how it's possible, but she NEVER takes a bad picture. Me? I'm like Medusa in Greek mythology. Look at me and you turn to stone...I have attached a couple pictures of C to prove it!

As always, keep her in your thoughts and prayers and remember that you are blessed!:)


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Nuggets of wisdom from the cancer kid

"Your self worth is worth the self risk"

"You'll never experience success if you're afraid of failure."

"If you keep making excuses as to why you can't do something you'll never achieve it! Step out of your own way & just do it!"

Must be the chemo brain they warned us about:)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Paralysis by analysis..

When I joined Facebook a few years ago, I added a couple fake jobs to my profile. I was proud to be the head donut glazer at Dunkin Donuts. Another one of them was working for the CIA in the "Paralysis by Analysis" division. A few people actually believed it. When Christina was first diagnosed, she was overwhelmed by the amount of information and advice on the internet regarding cancer. Our former doctor in Davis told us the worst thing to happen to modern medicine was All of a sudden, patients would show up with a rash and already have it diagnosed as some very rare form of jungle disease from Indonesia. People started over analyzing stuff.

Many people with good intentions offered free advice. The list is long but suffice it to say that C was going to be eating a lot of well done beef and overcooked veggies and zero wine. Well, she didn't follow most of the advice and has enjoyed a relatively smooth chemotherapy treatment plan. What am I telling you? Get off the internet and stop following the latest and greatest craze (detox juicing is one). As one doctor told her early on, "If you are hungry, then eat." Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll be fine. Oh, and get that rash looked at right away! It could be the beginning of some type of hemorrhagic fever from West Africa. Have a great weekend:)

First phase nearly complete? I can't believe it either!!

Christina completed her 11th of 12 chemotherapy treatments on Wed. The staff at UCSF is amazed at how well she is doing. Although she does suffer from side effects from the trial drug, she continues to be a champion. She looks great in and out of her costume (wig) and continues to work most days as if nothing has occurred. She's inspiring. Sometimes I feel my blog simply doesn't do her justice. Maybe I should hire a professional writer to fill in and I'll "ride the pine" for awhile?

She emailed me yesterday and said how hard it was for her to workout and that her muscular strength has dwindled a bit. Really? I can barely walk the mutts without pulling a hammy! So you were ONLY able to run, row and do weights? What the hell is the matter with you cancer kid?:) Honestly folks, I feel less than adequate around her sometimes. Ok, most of the time.

After her 12th and last treatment next Wed., she will take a week off and then start the A-C chemotherapy. Four treatments every other week. It's supposed to be a bitch but I am confident that C will "embrace the suck" and do just fine. Surgery is planned for this fall and I am praying that it is a relatively minor procedure. An early August trip to Italy might actually happen now. In February, that was the furthest thing from our minds. But every goal that Christina has set for herself, she has crushed. I have a strong feeling that in six weeks, we will enjoying the sights of Roma and elsewhere. Arrivederci!