Saturday, September 26, 2015

Can I vent for a minute?

-I'm angry that Christina still has cancer.
-I'm upset that she went through 16 rounds of chemotherapy and it wasn't 100% effective
-I'm pissed that innocent little kids have to battle the disease. I wish cancer would leave them alone
-My back is fricking killing me and it's my fault
-It's 6 am on a Saturday and I cannot sleep
-I look at today's world and I am sad. People are being slaughtered like cattle for what they believe in. Why can't all of those murderous sub humans just disappear?
-I want Christina to be able to!

1 comment:

  1. Butch
    There are no words to say except i am so very sorry that my niece and you are going through this devastating illness... i have been praying and will continue praying for a COMPLETE recovery for Chris. I stand on faith that God can pull her through this to victory and she will be a living testimony of Gods glory. I know only too well what it feels like to be the spouse watching as your BETTER HALF continues to fight and theres not much we can do but sit there like helpless children not knowing what to say or do to help all the while literally dying inside ourselves. I am in total awe and admiration of Chris and her strength in fighting this battle but i tip my hat off to you as well for always being her rock..i know you may not feel like you are doing enough but believe me you are the wind beneath her wings. I love you both so very very much. Auntie Carole King (chris can explain how i got that name)
