Monday, April 20, 2015

Are you an anchor or a dead weight?

We spent the weekend in South Lake Tahoe with two great people. They, and many others, are anchors in our life. When we don't see them for a few months, we miss them. They are the same people we got to know and love twenty years ago. I hope we have them in our lives for twenty more! Everybody has anchors in their life. Someone that keeps you steady in rough times. Someone that is rock solid and helps you stay away from the rocks and shallow water. So I started thinking...yes... I do think about life sometimes! Am I an anchor to someone that I know? I think I am an anchor to Christina and others. Admittedly, I have broken down a few times since the diagnosis was official. But that's natural. I am not a robot. Just today, she emailed me and was upset that she is losing her hair from the chemotherapy treatments. I let her know that her feelings are natural and that cancer sucks. As do the side effects like hair loss. Wig time is upon us. And she is gonna rock it brothers and sisters!!

Are you an anchor for people in your life or are you a dead weight that drags people down below the surface? Do you call people to check in and cheer them up or do you call them to complain about your problems? What about your texts and emails? Do you send words of encouragement and advice or do you bitch about the challenges that life has thrown your way? How often do you send a funny joke to a friend or co-worker because you know that it will make them feel better? If you aren't sure of the answer, then you are probably a dead weight that is drowning someone with your B.S.. Eventually, they will cut the rope and let you sink to the bottom of the ocean. Life is tough enough. We don't need 100 lbs. of extra weight strapped to our feet. Trust me, if we have any dead weights during our breast cancer journey, I have a sharp knife. And I will cut the rope. Be an anchor to someone. And remember, we are blessed:)

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