Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hello there!:)

Sorry for the lapse in keeping you up to date on Christina. She is doing great. Her reconstructive surgery went flawlessly and I was wheeling her out to my car two hours after it.She continues to amaze!Christmas and New Years were very nice although quieter than most years. We relaxed and had some family over on Christmas day for a nice visit. It's not about the gifts for us. We just like being around friends and family and enjoying each other.

Christina isn't able to run and won't be for a couple more weeks. She is, however, walking as much as possible to keep her fit. She says "it keeps the demons away." We all need that. She is taking a few medicines and they do have some side effects but she takes it all in stride. Her hair is thick and wavy-I cannot wait until she starts wearing a short hair style. Her wig, "Felicia," still looks beautiful. She really would like to have the option of not wearing it every damn day. Many people don't even know that she was ever battling cancer or that she was bald, including co workers and neighbors. Some of them will be shocked when they finally see her.

She meets with her plastic surgeon next week to check on the healing progress. I know that she is dying to run and will very soon. A year ago, it was a small lump and a question in our minds. Man, what a year..

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