Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A love letter to C


I have had a lot of time to think about us lately. Whether I am walking the dogs or driving to a small town in WA. to sell glue, you are always on my mind. Okay, sandwiches and you are always on my mind. I know that many people have told you that you are amazing, I don't think that you always believe them. You are amazing and wonderful and funny and beautiful. Yes, all of those things you are my love. And more. 

I have also thought about being here without you. It wouldn't be living anymore. It would be existing. Three meals and a snack, TV, go to bed, repeat...That's not living. You have been so patient with my craziness, allowing me to explore different things to make me fulfilled. I haven't found that "thing" yet. But I will. And you will be there to share it with me. I promise...

A couple things, love. We need to stop finishing each other's sentence, laughing at the same things on TV and waking up with a smile every day once the coffee takes effect. It just isn't normal, Christina! Then again, normal and Butch Paula are rarely in the same neighborhood. Or in the same country. Screw it. Let's keep doing what we have been doing since we got married: watch movies we love, read and talk about food and drinks that we want to have or have experienced on a trip (remember the paella from Majorca, Spain?). My mouth is watering right now and I am grabbing a wooden spoon so I can dig into the crust..

You are nearing the end of the first phase in our journey. As we said last night on the way home, you are "crushing it." And I am loving you more now than ever. Except when you yell at me for dirtying up the stove. I am an artist, damn it!!  

Love you tons Chrissy,


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